Sand mining the youth employer

By Clinton Oballa

Sand mining, a major youth employment activity in the county done along river banks and lake is key in ending insecurity.

Being the main product for building, the industry though not fully regulated joins gold mining, farming, fishing as a source of income and employment sector.

Sand mining is majorly done by most of the people staying around the river banks but as a source of income it has attracted different people have come from far.

Kennedy Okinyi, a sand miner from Lichota area along in River Migori says the activity is done in three phases: removal from the river water, loading it in lorries and offloading.

Unknown to many people these stages are often done by three different people.

“We have miners who are skilled in dredging sand from rivers successfully and don’t to loading and offloading,” he says.

Ladies, like Jane Adhiambo from Nyangubo area, have also not been left in the industry.

“Through sand mining I have managed to live a better life after my husband’s death seven years ago and I consider it as a core to our living, she says.

In Migori area sand is done at Lichota, Komuga, Pakanyeusi, Ombo, Nyangubo, Nyabisawa and Nyasare areas.