Suna West aspirant Valentine Ogongo helps tobacco farmers to get a new firm

A tobacco firm

A tobacco firm

By MN Reporter

Suna West MP aspirant Valentine Ogongo has come to the aid of over 15,000 tobacco farmers in the county by helping them get a new buyer.

Farmers have been stranded after Alliance One firm, which has been buying the bulk of their tobacco left the county for Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Migori farmers account to 70 per cent of Kenya production and get paid Sh1.7billion annually with Alliance One accounting for Sh1.2billion before they left.

“The new firm, Estobac Kenya Limited, will be paying farmers at the current rates by other two players in the county,” Ogongo said.

Two weeks ago Ogongo and the firm Managing Director Richard Chiromo met with governor Okoth Obado and Agriculture Executive Isca Oluoch.

In a letter dated October 11 said they wished “during tobacco production operation in Migori in year 2016/17, we will be buying and paying our esteemed farmers within two weeks.”

When he visited the farmers in Suna West, Ogongo said the county government should support the firm.

Kenya Tobacco Growers Association Chairman Augustine Mwita hoped the new firm will come to their aid.