Rongo old man, 60, defiles daughter, 15, to chase away wife

Broken love

By MN Reporter

Shock gripped Kanyodero-Aila village in Rongo sub-county after an angry 60 years old man defiled his daughter, 15, as a means to chase away her mother .

The man came back to his homestead after quarrelling with his first wife and turned his anger on his daughter whom he dragged to his matrimonial bed and defiled her repeatedly.

Villagers who heard the girl’s distress call were shocked by the act as the man ran away to nearby sugarcane plantations.

His wife, the mother of the deceased had gone to the market during the heinous act.

The girl was rushed to hospital for treatment as the mother (name withheld) reported the matter to Rongo police station and called for security officers to help in seeking justice.

Family members were tongue tied as villager threatened to push them out of the village following the crime committed by old man as it was a taboo according to cultural belief .

Villagers complained of police taking too long to respond having received report of the incident