KPLC officers accused of soliciting bribes from Rongo residents


By MN Reporter
Residents of Rongo town in Migori county are up in arms after they were disconnected from power lines after failing to demands of Kenya Power and Lighting Company officers.
The residents accused KPLC officials of soliciting bribes from them before they connected them to power lines in the town.
A section of the power consumers in Rongo  had their lines disconnected from poles for after they allegedly failed to hand over bribes to KPLC officers. 

According to residents who spoke to Migori News, they were asked to deposit money to some private accounts failure to which private electricians were engaged to disconnect lines from poles.

Some residents had resorted to cough up the asked amount by 2.00 PM this afternoon but were turned down and had their lines disconnected from power lines.

One of the official who claimed to work for Kenya Power is said to have directed a consumer to a pub where he claimed their leader was waiting for them as they were carrying out their duty.

But the said officer disappeared  upon realizing the matter would be reported to law enforcers.

Several consumers complained that they had not been supplied with power bills and could not understand what caused that kind of behavior.

Some consumers complained they had been conned in the past and could not trust anybody loitering purporting to be employee of KPLC.

It is said the same people have been going around the town illegally connecting unsuspecting people to the power at cheaper prices.

Richard Obonyo angered by the trend claimed that senior KPLC officials were using quacks to con non suspecting members of the public.

Obonyo called upon KPLC to move in quickly to correct the problem before wires left hanging loose cause trouble to unknowing members of the public who might trample on live wire and get electrocuted.