Depot Tanzanian beggers flocking Migori town- nominated MCAs

A disabled man carry his colleague towards Gov Okoth Obado’s office

By MN Reporter

Migori County Assembly leaders on disability have condemned the manner in which person’s living with disability are used by able and strong person’s from neighbouring country Tanzania for personal gains.

Addressing the press at Kehancha town after the celebration to mark the United Nations Day of person’s living with disability, nominated members of the county assembly Benard Ochuodho and Esther Onana said that there are people who come to Migori, Kehancha, Isebania,Awendo and Rongo towns at dawn, damp the disabled person’s to collect money on their behalf yet the money they beg and collect does not help the disabled persons.

“The Tanzanians come with the disabled people in a white car and station them in various places along the busy Migori Kisii and Isebania highway to beg from residents yet the money only enriches those who are not even disabled and so i call upon both the national and county Government to come up with strict laws that will compel those using the disabled people for selfish and personal gains, “said Ochuodho.

On her part, the nominated member of the county assembly on disability Esther Onana said that the situation is becoming worse as some of them are using even young children below the age of 18 to get money that does not help the children at all as the children are only given food at the end of the day but their rights are being violated and scrapped.

She blamed the neighboring Tanzanians residents and citizens for the mess that has seen even sick and disabled people being placed at the River Migori bridge early in the morning and they sit in the scorching sun all day without food and even water.

“The people of Tanzania are not being human to the person’s living with disability as they discriminate them by getting money from the members of the public that does not even help the lame but only helps the strong and able people, “she said.

Speakers at the event condemned the act and said that the Tanzanians should respect and uphold the Kenyan constitution and laws that uphold the rights and freedom of the people living with disability.

They said that the national and county Government should come out to condemn the act that has become so much rampant on the border towns.