Cherutich orders closure of Disco matanga, night vigils. PAS to be confiscated

By MN Reporter

Migori county chiefs and their assistants have been ordered to arrest and confiscate Public Address System in night vigils and disco matanga during funerals.

County Commissioner Boaz Cherutich said the night curfew starting from 10pm is still on effect and residents should never ignore the order.

“We banned disco matanga competely, we have those who still put night vigils and make noise throughout the night. A crackdown is coming, and it will be serious,” he said.

He said the crackdown will not only involve arresting suspects, but also confiscating Public Address System which will be forfeited to state.

“All arrest and what we have confiscated will end up in court of law,” he said.

He was addressing the press in his office.