Kuria WEST CDF: Nyamekongoroto residents laud Sh5.9m maternity ward project

Nyamekongoroto Health Center in Masaba Ward

Nyamekongoroto Health Center in Masaba Ward

By MN Reporter

When Kuria West visited the Nyamekongoroto Dispensary during his campaign tours he found women in labour had to queue for long to share a single labour ward.

Women in labour had to be placed in a corridor on a single bed to wait for their time at labour, which created most complications.

At the maternity ward, women had to leave hospital after 12 hours despite not healing properly to allow vacancy for two available beds.

“What we had at the dispensary was disaster in waiting and it discouraged many women to give birth at the center which is found in Masaba ward area,” Kuria West CDF chairman Major Robi said.

Robi said they started a Sh5.9million modern maternity ward at the dispensary which will be able to end the congestion currently experienced there.

Jarius Onyoni (Pictured) said: “The new ward funded by the kitty will have a capacity of holding 15-20 mothers in the ward and carrying out three deliveries at the same time.”

Edina Mukero (Pictured), a woman who had just given birth at the hospital said the project is God sent and will encourage many mothers to give birth in the hospital to end high mother and child deaths associated with pregnancy.

Major Robi said the project will be completed by June and start operating soon after.