ODM NOMINATIONS WOES: Wiper receives senate, MP and MCA aspirants- MCA Wambora

Wiper Democratic Psrty

Wiper Democratic Psrty

By MN Reporter

Wiper Democratic Movement party has led the way for smaller parties in Migori county who have received aspirants only ten months to general election.

Even though ODM enjoys a strong following in Migori county, it shambolic nominations has driven many aspirants to make for alternative decisions.

Migori Wiper nominated MCA Richard Wambura said they have so far received aspirants in senate race which they did not have in last polls.

Other include in constituencies and county seats with more expected to come.

“We have one aspirant for senate race, three already for MP race and sevarl for MCA seats. We have actively started receiving aspirants and are ready to accommodate more,” he said.

He added: “most are afraid if flawed nomination in the orange party,”

Wiper had three elected MCAs and two nominated ones in Migori most making way after flawed nominations.

He said the clause that prevented party hopping of aspirants has seen many aspirants who wanted to vie in ODM backtracking and seeking earlier chances in Wiper.