Election of Likowa as Migori speaker quashed, new election by March 25

LIKOWA: Ignore BUSY BODIES, I AM Migori Assembly Speaker Till 2032, I AM GOING NOWHERE

By MN Reporter

Migori county assembly speaker Owino Likowa election has been set aside by a court on Monday.

Last year, Likowa’s election was quashed by a lower court after Isaac Aluochier, and aspirant in the last election moved to court.

Likowa and the assembly got stay orders and pushed through a consensus to have his seat stay, which was set aside on Monday.

“His election was quashed in a judgment last year, on Monday the stay orders was set aside,” Aluochier said in a phone interview.

An attempt at meditation and arbitration also failed, on Monday the court refused to extend the stay orders.

The court gave 21 days for a new election for the next speaker which will fall on March 25.

“I will be in the ballot to again vie as a speaker,” he said.

But already lawyers in the county government are working on seeking fresh orders to quash the judgment.

Likowa has moved an appeal to quash the decision, which places the date in a limbo