Sub-county administrator, chief clash over affair with wife

By MN Reporter

A senior Migori county government officer and a chief shocked a village on Saturday as they exchanged blows over a love triangle.

The Sub-county administrator went berserk when the chief accused him of sleeping with his wife for months at a ten hour clan meeting to resolve the matter.

The administrator shocked villagers and relatives when he tried to verbally and physically attack the chief after he denied the affair.

During the melee at the chief’s homestead which took over ten hours, a fence and other property were destroyed as the two went for each other’s precious life in a brawl.

Previously the administrator vehemently denied having a strong love-tie with the chief’s wife before the woman confessed to the illicit affair which made the senior officer to fly into rage.

“The meeting was called by family members to try to resolve the growing love-issue that was threatening to divide the whole family, but hell broke loose when the senior county government official started to rain kicks and blows on the chief accusing him of being out to muddy his name,” said our eye witness.

It took the elders’ time to employ their wealth of wisdom to cool down the two administrators but later the sub county chief left in a huff, vowing to have the matter settled in court by pressing defamation charges.

But the chief whom we later talked to said he was ready for the court battle, saying he has all the facts to defend himself.

“Let him go to court. I will meet him there to prove myself now that my wife has even admitted the sexual relationship between them,” he said.

There have complained of Migori County Government officials using their new found cash to snatch away wives and girlfriends with flashy lifestyle.