County governemnt urged to work with CDF boards

By Isaac Ochieng

Rongo CDF Chairman calls for an accord with the County Government so as to set rail beneficial projects for public.

Speaking to press he said CDF has now allocated KSh 1.5 Million and a waiting an additional KSh 1.7 Million for the construction of wards in Rongo Level 4 hospital.

Chairman, Joseph Ngare said the wards are meant to help the rising number of patients especially from theatres who need argent medical attention.

He said MCAs should coalesce with CDF to know effective measures to be undertaken to help the public at large.

“Ward representatives should speak out on the hitches erupting for CDF to know where to lend in a financial hand” said Ngare.

He added that CDF projects are meant for the welfare of citizens and leaders should put aside politics.