Two young mothers sat for exams at Ombo delivery room

By MN Reporter

Two mothers in Migori county sat for their national examination at St Joseph Ombo Mission Hospital after going on labour in examination room.

The two delivered healthy baby boys after minor surgeries.

A class eight pupil at Ombo Primary School Migori county was forced leave the examination room before finishing her Kiswahili paper and rushed to hospital when her water broke.

She had come to school to sit for her examination after being away for long after falling pregnant.

She was forced to do her insha paper shortly after delivery before she went through a minor operation. She later did her last Social studies papers.

Ombo head teacher John Oreri, the pupil was allowed by the invigilators to deliver before completing the paper.
She was later given a special invigilator and security guard in the examination.

In the same hospital, in a next ward a form four student at Othoro secondary school also delivered some hours to her Chemistry paper1 paper which was scheduled for the day.

The form four student who had a caesarian section delivery was still recovering at the hospital when she also did her Chemistry ‘paper 2, History paper two and other papers.