(VIDEO) Kuria Elders, Professionals Support MP Kitayama’s Push For Kuria and Other New Counties


A press statement in support of a constitutional amendment tabled in parliament by the Kuria east Member of Parliament.

We the People of Kuria wish to support; in flesh, mind and intent the amendment bill to create 5 more counties presented to parliament by the Kuria East member of parliament Hon. Kitayama Maroa Maisori.

The amendment of the constitution to increasing the number of counties from 47 to 52; is long overdue. 

It is a usual norm world over, for growing constitutions to keep changing with a view of accommodating the fast evolving desires and aspirations of their respective populations.

In this regard; it should not be lost that the creation of the current 47 counties was not based on any scientific findings or data but mere, political machinations laced with tribal compromise and rhetorics.  

The declaration that only those districts that were gazetted by 1992 would become counties, certainly negated the word and spirit which the same constitution sought to cure.

Kuria and other districts surprisingly missed out of the 47 counties,on flimsy reasons that they had not been gazetted then, although they had already been created and were operational by December 1992.

As a community in Migori, we would want to inform the whole world that the creation of a Kuria county, will not only lessen ethnic tension and antagonism, which crops up every electioneering year, but also enhance good neighbourlihood conducive for the community’s social economic development.

Take note that the Kuria community, has over the years been viewed in Migori as spoilers in the county’s political arrangement. This has always bred a sour after taste in every election circle. 

Infact, there are times, when war drums have been sounded, safe for the timely intervention by authorities and peace actors. 

We believe and trust that only separation from Migori, will forestall the snapping of the social fabric which casually keeps the two communities domiciled in Migori together. If it were to break, the resultant repercussions are anyone’s guess.

Indeed the drafters of the constitution may have desired to take development and resources from the centre and cascade it to the people; which has not been the case in Migori. The opposite is true as we keep on getting marginalised in resource distribution and development opportunities, every other day.

The COK 2010, provided that, cultural, traditional and historical factors be considered in delimitation of boundaries or grouping communities together yet this has not been the case in Migori county. Kuria is an island eclipsed between communities who have no similar affinity.

It is our community’s desire that we be enabled through our own county to manage our own affairs, as is enshrined in the constitution.

On a account of resources to run our county, we wish to state that the creation of our county won’t whatsoever be a burden to the tax payer because we will rely on our pro-rata share of Migori county allocation from the Exchequer.

 Our population is 35 % of the county population which translates into the same percentage of shareable allocation from the treasury.

 Needless to say that the four sub counties of the larger Kuria do produce a fairly bigger percentage of revenue collection per year as compared to the rest of the other subcounties.

Suffice it to say that ; governments in developed democracies world over , do have a duty to recognise the peculiarities and difficulties of certain communities and deliberately go out of their way to create safety valves for them i.e. own areas of governance and specific number of seats instead of leaving them to compete on equal footing with majority groups.

It is therefore not rocket science; but just a matter of numbers and sheer common sense that there is no time now, and in future, that Kuria will ever attain the parity with other majority communities to enable the same parameters apply in determining critical matters like creation of a county.

That is to say; in the world’s largest democracy ; the case of the USA, very small states in both population and land mass like Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut , Hawaii, New Jersey (land mass), Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, South Dakota,Alaska, do enjoy the same rights of self governance like counterparts; the bigger states. 

Its therefore against this backdrop; that we as a community, unwaveringly support the amendment bill presented to parliament by our MPs and request the other communities of this county to support it, in the spirit of nourishing our democratic tenets.


God bless Kenya

God bless Kuria

Signed by;

  • Kuria leaders
  • Hon. Matiko Bohoko
  • Hon.Charles Nyangi Nyamohanga
  • Hon. Samson Getobai
  • Hon. Gesamba Mwita 
  • Hon.Ezekiel Bokobora
  • Hon. Benjamin Mwita
  • Hon. Charles Gibore
  • Hon. Daniel Getangenyi
  • Hon. Chacha Mangiteni
  • Hon. Charles Muhiri
  •  Hon. Tobias Werema
  • Hon.Francis Wangera
  • Hon. Sylvester Nyagikumi
  • Hon. Joseph Hoyo
  • on.Paul Kabaka
  • Hon. Christine Nchama
  • Hon. Sec. John Mang’era
  • Hon. Samuel Masiaga
  • Hon. Angeline Boke
  • Hon. Mariam Wegesa
  • Hon. Anne Otaigo
  • Hon. Peter Mosabi
  • Hon. Shantawa
  • Hon. Kohera
  • Hon. Maroa Kihu
  • Hon. Sabina Werema
  • Hon. John Tibaya
  • Madam Robi Mabanga
  • Madam Marianne
  • Pastor .Mosabi Kirigiti
  • Mr. Benard Makuri
  • Mr. Nchagwa Ngimerya
  • Mr. John Nyahiri
  • Mr. Mwera
  • Mr. Mwita Gasaya
  • Mr. Wambura Nyankinda
  • Mr. Madevu
  • Mr. Samson Nyakohanda
  • Madam Margret Mwita
  • Madam Lucy Weirungu