(PHOTOS) Chief Yogo flees, Chinese mining site invaded as Masara gold miners protest grabbing of Clement Ayungo’s land

Armed police being overrun by Masara gold miners at the Chinese miner’s site over demands of the late Mzee Clement Ayungo’s grabbed land is returned

By MN Reporter

Angry Masara gold miners invaded a Chinese mining site and threatened to lynch their chief over land grabbing claims on property of the late Clement Ayungo.

Suna Lower chief Yogo Tumbo fled from a pub in Masara town when over 200 angry miners and residents accosted him after he failed to honor a meeting he had called in his office between over 32 Ayungo’s family members and Li Shesheng, the Chinese investor at his office.

READ MORE: Why grabbing of Clement Ayungo family points to a string of Chinese, local miners tension

The official motorbike of Suna Lower chief Yogo Tumbo outside a pub in Masara town after he fled by an angry mob

“Despite the late Ayungo having three wives, ten children and several wives an illegal succession with one of the grandsons was crafted at the chief’s office which saw grabbing by Chinese miners of our land,” John Riana, Ayungo family spokesman said.

He said mzee passed on in 1979, and his wife and sevaral children and grandchildren were never involved in the land transfer.

Part of over 200 gold miners and residents in Masara when they locked in chief Yogo Tumbo at a local pub, he fled

Riana said most family members have been displaced as the chief refused to rescind a fake letter of secession and issuance of death certificate done on his office.

“We want to tell the chief and those who have moved in our family land that the matter will not rest until we get justice even if it involves moving to court and seeking disciplinary action against the chief,” Riana said.

Part of the family of the late Mzee Clement Ayungo led by Mama Margret at chief Yogo Tumbo’s office after he failed to turn up

After accosting the chief, angry residents also stormed the site and looted several mining equipment, machines and gold rich ore while overwhelmed police officers looked on helplessly.

Yogo could not be reached for comment, but Masara police post OCS said they will invesyigate the claim and charge individuals behind the invasion of the mining site and transfer of land.