Abuor’s performance is below average, this is why Rongo will shine with him going home in 2022- Aspirant Nelson

Nelson Oluoch campaign poster

By MN Reporter,

Rongo MP aspirant Nelson Oluoch has graded incumbent Paul Abuor’s leadership performance as below average, and vowed to send him home in 2022 general elections.

Oluoch, in an interview with Migori News said “i can rate his performance as three out of ten.”

Oluoch said he has recently up on criticism against Abuor’s tenure, not because he hates him but residents still need services.


“We want him to work, that’s why we have to keep him in check. We must always push him to the wall so that our people can benefit from good use of allocated resources,” Nelson said.

He said Rongo must shine and therefore Abuor should not hope that criticism against his tenure will fizzle down anytime soon.

“Our standards are very high and he should get used to that. We don’t like mediocrity and that is why we will offer and alternative leadership in Rongo by sending him home,” he said.

He said residents were not satisfied on how Rongo NG-CDF is being used as most tenders and projects are awarded to proxies and work done shoddily.

“Small projects that should benefit the youth are given to established companies. We also need transparency in issuance of bursaries. Roads and bridges are done poorly, using substandard materials with inadequate supervision. As a result they don’t last long and have to be repaired every year,” he said.

Nelson Oluoch is a Finance and Supply Chain Specialist who has been serving in the International Development sector for the last 20 years.

“I have vast experience in dealing with local communities and vulnerable population including the youth, women, children and the elderly,” he said adding he has worked in several countries across the continent.

If elected, the following will be his key agenda:

  • He is committed to ensure projects funded by public funds are done by residents of Rongo and awarded transparently and equitably amongst the various demographics and taking into account regional balance.
  • He promises a corruption free environment in in his leadership.
  • Based on his wide networks, he will help raise funds from donors and well-wishers to initiate projects that will create employment opportunities and make Rongo a conducive place for investors.
  • He is passionate about projects that will create opportunities to the residents of Rongo to earn a decent living and improve their standard of living.